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Connected & Mobile City

A connected and mobile city has a transportation network that balances the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, transit users, and drivers. A connected and mobile city improves safety, equity, accessibility and mobility for all who engage with the transportation network.

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Things to Think About:

  • Mobility is More than Cars, Trucks & Trains

    • Provide a range of travel options to accommodate people's diverse travel needs.
    • Review parking strategies to encourage development and to reduce land requires for parking lots.
    • Evaluate development applications based on the walkways provided and links to transit stops and trails.
    • Prepare guidelines to ensure a well-connected off-street system of multi-use trails to encourage cycling for all ages and abilities.
    • Ensure residents have easy access to green space to increase physical activity.
  • Mobility is More than Cars, Trucks & Trains cont'd

    • Plan the transportation network to support affordable, convenient, and reliable public transit for all residents.
    • Identify development priorities near current and future transit stops.
    • Create safe and comfortable pedestrian and active transportation links among residential, employment, downtown and tourist nodes and transit stops and stations.
    • Evaluate new mobility technologies for their health, safety, environmental, and economic impacts to guide transportation infrastructure decisions.
  • What Does a Complete Street Entail?

    • Street design should safely & efficiently facilitate the movement of people and goods, ensuring easy access to transit, snow clearing, and emergency vehicles.
    • Design streets that mirror local traits to foster a strong sense of place.
    • Adjust street speed limits according to local context and pedestrian activity.
    • Implement principles of universal design.
    • Encourage compact street grids to provide direct routes & reduce travel time.
    • Enhance connectivity by making transit services more user-friendly.
  • First and Last Mile

    • Areas around transit stations should be developed with higher density development to increase ridership, and the viability and sustainability of transit systems.
    • Active transportation links among a variety of nodes improve access to amenities without the need for a vehicle. This leads to a more balanced system, as choosing to travel without a car becomes more attractive.
    • First and last-mile strategies enhance transit accessibility and increase ridership.
  • Trails

    • Provide connections to active transportation networks within developments to enhance the attractiveness of walking as a viable mode of transportation.
    • Thoughtful implementation of a well-connected off-street system of multi-use trails encourages cycling for all ages and abilities. It will create a complete, cohesive, and comprehensive network that is separated from vehicles and trucks on the road.
  • Street Connectivity

    • Efficient transportation networks increase the attractiveness of active transportation by offering multiple ways to travel, reducing travel time, and allowing access to a variety of amenities within walking and cycling distance.
    • Transferring between local and regional transit services increases the destinations accessible via transit.
    • When designing a road, it's important to consider the classification, use, and need of each road to maximize safety and efficiency
  • Connecting the Transportation Network

    • First and last-mile solutions increase the attractiveness of transit as a viable choice, as they allow people to navigate to and from their destination regardless of origin.
    • Residents, businesses, and tourists’s needs should be given priority in designing mobility solutions.
    • Give priority to investments in public transit, cycling infrastructure and pedestrian-friendly spaces near Major Transit Station Areas.