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Attractive City

An Attractive City is a welcoming and beautiful city that engenders a sense of pride as a place to live, a sense of well-being, and a sense of stewardship in its long-term care and maintenance.

An Attractive City has beautiful streets, parks and open spaces and includes high-quality architecture, destinations, landmarks, and gateways.

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Things to Think About:

  • Healthy Communities

    • Have a variety of parks and trails to encourage physical activity.
    • Ensure the City develops in a manner that is accessible to all to create an inclusive community.
    • Have a robust urban forest with more trees to mitigate the urban heat island effect, clean the air, etc.
  • Public Realm Design

    • Plan public streets and public spaces that are safe, where people can walk, socialize, and get around easily.
    • Good public realm design in the downtown and higher-density areas to prioritize pedestrians and ensure a variety of public spaces.
    • Reinforce the importance of gateways and landmarks.
  • Complete Streets

    • Support for well-maintained streets for all users, particularly children, youth, older adults, and those with special needs.
    • Support for pedestrian and cycling improvements, such as wider sidewalks, street trees, better lighting, separate lanes for cyclists, etc.
  • Place-Making

    • Integrate arts and culture with local businesses, civic buildings, schools and parks.
    • Enhance local character by protecting built heritage resources.
    • Preserve important views, places and landmarks.
  • Parks & Open Spaces

    • Ensure everyone has easy access to a diverse range of beautiful and accessible parks, open spaces, trails, and recreation facilities.
    • Ensure that new growth has a variety of parks and open spaces of parks.
  • Private Realm

    • Ensure new buildings are well-designed and environmentally friendly.
    • Establish a revised height schedule to identify building heights for specific areas of the City.
    • Manage transition between new and existing development that is respectful of the existing neighbourhoods and mitigate any adverse effects.
  • Urban Design & Sustainability

    • An urban design vision for how the city will look and function.
    • Review new growth through a sustainable lens.
  • Compatibility/ Intensification

    • Proved direction on how new development fits into existing neighbourhoods and the city as a whole.