John N. Allan Park Dome Pilot

The Tennis Clubs of Canada has submitted a proposal to the City to extend the dome at John N. Allan Park (6980 Kalar Road) to be kept up throughout the entire year as a one-year pilot project. Currently, the agreement with the Tennis Clubs of Canada requires the dome to be up from October to May each year and removed during the summer months.

An engagement for the initial seasonal pilot project was held in 2023. Today, the City is seeking feedback from the community regarding the proposal to keep the dome up all year round.

Key points of the proposal:

  • The dome to remain in place during the summer of 2024.
  • The dome will be air-conditioned.
  • The indoor climate-controlled facility provides an option for play, rain or shine, and extends the usable court hours, given that there are currently no lights for outdoor play.
  • There are no court fees during summer for members; membership fees only.
  • The Tennis Clubs of Canada would continue to pay revenues to the City during the summer months.
  • Users can reserve courts online during community hours to guarantee court time, eliminating wait times and conflict.
  • Free community use will be available on all courts at the following times:
    • Mondays and Wednesdays: 9 am – 12 pm
    • Saturdays and Sundays: 4 pm – 7 pm
    • Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 6 am – 8 am
    • Tuesdays and Fridays: 7 pm – 10 pm

We would love to hear from the community about this one-year pilot project to keep the tennis and pickleball dome open this summer. To learn more about the John N. Allan Park dome, please visit

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