
September 2018: Current zoning regulations remain in effect while appeals handled by LPAT

20 September 2018

The City has received a total of three (3) appeals of the adoption of Official Plan Amendment No. 127, and the passage of Zoning By-law Amendment Nos. 2018-91 (Bed and Breakfasts) and 2018-92 (Vacation Rental Units) to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT).

The processing of these appeals will be handled by the LPAT. For further information on the LPAT process, please refer to this guide.

The progress of the appeals can be followed on this page by selecting “Niagara Falls”. Please note that it may take a little while for this page to be updated with the current appeal.

Please also note that with the appeal of these documents, current zoning regulations remain in effect at this time. These regulations prohibit Vacation Rental Units save and except for a few properties site specifically zoned for Vacation Rental Units and Cottage Rental Dwellings, and permit Bed and Breakfasts (Tourist Homes) only in certain areas such as lands zoned Tourist Commercial, the River Road residential neighbourhood (from north of Rainbow Bridge to Morrison Street east of Palmer Avenue) and a few properties site specifically zoned for this purpose. Please contact Planning and Development Services to assist in locating these areas.