Vacation Rental Units and Bed & Breakfasts: Community Engagement

The City is reviewing vacation rental units and bed and breakfasts with the intention of establishing appropriate policies, regulations and licensing.

A vacation rental unit is a dwelling unit that is rented out to a single group of travelers at one time for a period of less than 28 days.

A bed and breakfast is an establishment that provides guest rooms and breakfast to the travelling public. It is in the principal dwelling of the proprietor (owner or manager).

To date vacation rental units have only been permitted on a site specific basis through a zoning amendment. With the exception of the River Road Satellite District and the Tourist Commercial zone where bed and breakfasts are permitted as-of-right, bed and breakfasts are also only permitted on a site specific basis through a zoning amendment. Nevertheless with the advent of the sharing economy and websites such as many vacation rental units and bed and breakfasts have been established without municipal approval and licensing.

Council has directed staff to obtain feedback on regulating vacation rental units and bed and breakfasts, prior to a statutory public meeting of Council to consider further amendments to the City’s planning documents and licensing by-law.



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