Project background

The overall purpose of the Employment Lands Strategy is to ensure that the City of Niagara Falls has an adequate supply of designated, serviced and marketable industrial land in appropriate locations to accommodate current and future forecasted employment growth and remain competitive.

An evaluation of the current supply and determination of the supply needed to meet future demand is critical to attract and retain businesses for the next 25 years. It is also important to ensure that the existing supply of employment land is protected from external changes that may negatively impact their viability.

It is anticipated that the final study will contain a comprehensive list of short, medium and long term action items to help manage and develop Niagara Falls’ industrial land supply.

Update 2 - June 2022:

Staff have prepared draft Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments for additional stakeholder consultation. Please click on the files listed under the Reports and Supporting Documents on this page. They are:

If you would like a paper copy of these amendments please contact the Planning Department at 905-356-7521 or email us at

Update 1 - December 2021:

Council received the Niagara Falls Employment Lands Strategy Phase 3 report for information on December 07, 2021, and directed staff to prepare draft Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments for additional stakeholder consultation and for consideration and adoption at a later Council meeting. Council deferred an interim control by-law for the Grassy Brook area.

Engagement is now closed. Thank you!