The Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) study for the intersection of Dorchester Road and Oldfield Road has been completed.
The Study
This study developed and evaluated intersection alternatives with the goal of:
- improving traffic operations now and into the future;
- improving active transportation facilities and connectivity to existing and planned facilities, and
- Continuing to accommodate transit and large vehicles from the industrial properties to the southwest, ensuring the safety of all road users following the City's Transportation Master Plan (TMP).
Study Area
The study area is located east of the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW), immediately east of the Hydro Canal, south of McLeod Road (Regional Road 49) and north of the Welland River. The intersection of Dorchester Road and Oldfield Road currently has a 'Y' configuration, which operates as a three-legged All-Way Stop Control (AWSC) intersection. There are on-road bike lanes and a sidewalk along the north side of Oldfield Road; however, there are no other active transportation facilities to accommodate pedestrians or cyclists within the intersection.
Community Engagement
We're seeking public and stakeholder feedback to provide any comments or concerns with the intersection alternatives and recommended preferred solutions which have been identified.
This engagement with the community will help us identify the final preferred solution for the intersection. It will improve the intersection operation with consideration for user comfort and safety, minimizing impacts on existing infrastructure and connecting cohesively with the surrounding roadway network.
Opportunities to Provide Feedback
A 30-day public review period ran from November 16 to December 16, 2023.
Do you have questions or comments for the project team? Please call or email the City's Senior Project Manager, Nick Golia, by phone at 905-356-7521 ext. 4290 or email at ngolia@niagarafalls.ca
Please note that information will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, please note all comments will become part of the public record.