The City of Niagara Falls is excited to announce that M F Ker Park (3420 Sinnicks Avenue) has been selected as the preferred site for a new pickleball facility. In an effort to invest in M F Ker Park and better serve the sporting needs of our residents, we are proposing the establishment of a modern six-court pickleball facility to replace the existing asphalt courts located north of the existing ball diamonds. This addition to the park will address the current issues with the aging tennis courts and introduce a dynamic space that caters to all levels of pickleball play.

Aligned with the City's approved Recreation, Culture and Parks Plan, the growing popularity of pickleball emphasizes the need to address the recreational community's demand for a dedicated facility.

Pickleball Court Amenities include:

  • Premium acrylic sport court surface coating.
  • North-South orientation for optimal play.
  • Six full-size pickleball courts.
  • High chain-link fencing with wind barriers.
  • Low chain-link fencing for court/play area separation.
  • Player/spectator seating.
  • Accessible walkways, signage and courts.

We want to hear from you:

The City of Niagara Falls thanks you for your participation in our public engagement for M F Ker Park Pickleball Facility Development. The comment section of this page is now closed. We appreciate the opportunity to hear from you and encourage you to stay tuned for future updates on this exciting project.

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