
July 2022 Update

20 July 2022

The City’s Housing Directions Study Phase 2: Housing Strategy was presented to City Council on March 22, 2022 ((PBD-2022-18)). Council received and endorsed the Strategy and directed Staff to begin implementation through an Official Plan Amendment including consultation with the community. The Housing Strategy is set out in 21 theme-based actions that includes new policy directions, programs and tools that will work together in the short, medium, and long term to help achieve the City’s 40% affordability target for all new built housing.

The draft amendment to the Official Plan aims to:

  • Update policies to provide opportunities for the achievement of affordable housing targets, promote a greater diversity of housing types, ensure a healthy supply of rental units and provide a framework of tools to implement these policies.
  • Creation and monitoring of second units.
  • Clearly define the City’s role and responsibility in supporting housing affordability.
  • Introduce a policy to review all surplus municipal lands for housing suitability.

You can see the draft amendment here..

Please see our Notice of Open House and Public Meeting or meeting dates and how to submit your comments on the draft amendment.