Garner West Secondary Plan Area boundary map

Subwatershed Interim Report

The Garner West Secondary Plan Subwatershed Interim Report is available and provided under the “links” section of this page.

Note: The Garner West Secondary Plan Subwatershed Interim Report will remain “Draft” and subject to changes until it is finalized in the Summer of 2025, following additional study and seasonal field investigations.

Digital copies of the Appendices can be requested by sending an e-mail to

Public Information Meeting No. 1

Planning staff thank those who attended the Garner West Secondary Plan Public Information Meeting, which was held on February 11, 2025, at the MacBain Community Centre.

Digital copies of the Presentation and Display Board Materials can be requested by sending an e-mail to

Progress Update for the Garner West Secondary Plan

The Garner West Secondary Plan Area is centrally located along the westerly built edge of the City. It is mostly bounded by Lundy’s Lane (Regional Road 20) at the north, Garner Road at the east, McLeod Road along the south and Beechwood Road along the west. The CN Rail line clips the northwest corner. The gross total Plan Area is composed of 183.5 ha. (453 ac.).

In the Spring of 2024, City staff initiated background study work as the first phase of the three-phase initiative. Phase 1 included:

  • Consultation with the Niagara Region and NPCA.
  • Procurement processes to retain qualifying professional consultants for the various studies required.
  • Assembling a facilitated meeting with the Community Focus Group as part of a visioning exercise.
  • Meeting or communicating with landowners to arrange site access for consultants undertaking background study work.
  • Initiation and completion of Background Reports as noted below.

Background Study “Existing Conditions” Reports

To download copies of the available reports, please see the "Documents" section.

Each study reports on existing condition findings. The subwatershed study is the exception to this, given that four full seasons of study are required before an Existing Characterization Report can be completed. The Consultant has prepared an interim report that provides information on what they have undertaken and documented to date. The interim report will be available in the near future and will be posted as soon as it is available.

Transportation Impact – Existing Conditions

This Report documents the existing road networks in the area and provides traffic count information that will be used for benchmarking what the impacts on the area road networks will be under future conditions as part of Phase 2 and Phase 3 work. The report also notes what types of active transportation facilities and transit services exist in or around the area, so efforts to connect to those networks can be considered in future land use planning.

Functional Servicing – Existing Conditions

This Report documents any existing infrastructure within the Plan Area or in the vicinity for benchmarking and modelling. Once land use options have been developed, the modelling will assist in determining the most appropriate and efficient way of providing water and wastewater services to the new community that aligns with City and Regional Master planning.

Land Use Compatibility – Existing Conditions

This Report examines an area around the future community to identify potential sites and uses that could represent potential conflicts to the introduction of more sensitive uses such as residential.

Fiscal Impact – Existing Conditions

This Report examines the existing infrastructure in the Plan Area and provides a snapshot in a per capita approach of costs related to maintenance or capital replacement under current conditions. This will allow for a measure of what the area presently costs the City to maintain and what the future development of the Community may potentially cost to construct and maintain. Once a preferred land use plan is prepared in the final phase, that plan will be used to provide the estimates relating to the capital cost of construction measured against the estimated revenues.

Subwatershed – Existing Characterization (Interim Report)

The nature of a Subwatershed study requires four full seasons of study, and therefore, at this time, the consultant is finalizing an interim report that documents findings to date. This document will continue to be built on as the final Existing Characterization Reporting concludes this summer.

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