In March 2019, the City of Niagara Falls staff submitted an application for the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program: Rural and Northern Communities Stream (ICIP Program) for the reconstruction of:

  • Drummond Road from Thorold Stone Road to, and including the intersection of Morrison Street
  • Portage Road from, and including, the intersection with Elizabeth Street to Althea Street and Gallinger Street.
  • (See location map)

In March 2020, the application was approved for approximately $2,500,000 from the federal government and $1,666,500 from the provincial government. The funding will support all three phases of this project.

The project scope for each phase will include:

  • underground replacement work where required, including the replacement of the aging watermain
  • repair of deficient sanitary or storm sewers
  • separation of combined sewers (including installation of a new storm system where needed)
  • street light upgrades
  • full road reconstruction
  • and improvements to active transportation route linkages such as bike lanes, sidewalks, and trails.

Construction Phasing

Phase I includes Drummond Road from Thorold Stone Road to Cherrywood Road

Phase II (Previously Phase III) includes Portage Road from and including the intersection with Elizabeth Street to Althea Street and Gallinger Street

Phase III (Previously Phase II) includes Drummond Road from and including the intersection with Cherrywood Road to and including the intersection of Morrison Street

The attached document provides further information.

Although Drummond Road, Portage Road, and Gallinger Road will remain open, please be aware of possible lane reductions that may impact traffic flow throughout the project's duration.

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We encourage you to visit this project page often, as further updates on the progress of road reconstruction will be posted here as they become available.



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