
Closing in for winter and looking forward to 2022

17 November 2021

Construction on the site has changed the look and feel of the property substantially in the last couple of weeks. You can see from the photos, that the walls on the market building and the studio building are starting to go on, and the shape and feel for the new facility is really shaping up.

The flooring has also been poured on the main floor of the studio building which will house the cafe, woodworking shop and an office.

Images courtesy of Garritano Bros. Ltd.

We are also starting to ramp up towards programming the site and getting things going on the property.
The Culture team has been speaking with Community Creators about their Cultural Development Fund applications and use of the space for great things in 2022. Recently, City Council approved the pricing structure for the site. We are not accepting bookings (yet), as we still have to line up the insurance needs and the guidelines. We are hoping to have this available in early 2022. Please stay tuned.

The Market Hall is 338.3 m2 / 3,641 SF and will accommodate 14 indoor vendors, could seat over 200 people in various configurations and be suitable for theatre, music, lectures and many other community functions. We will be equipping the Hall with one large video wall that is 16 feet x 9 feet and two other video screens that are 96" wide. We have put an emphasis on creation space and have acoustic paneling and black out blinds incorporated to the design to provide flexibility in the uses of the space, but at the same time, ensuring that natural light radiates into the space during market days and other daytime events.

Market Hall @ The Exchange Rentals $ Fee $ HST $ Total
Hall Rental – Community Makers* - full day 221.24 28.76 250.00
Hall Rental – Community Makers* - per hour 88.50 11.50 100.00
Hall Rental – Private Sector – full day 442.48 57.52 500.00
Hall Rental – Private Sector – per hour 176.99 23.01 200.00
Hall and Outdoor Space Rental – Community Makers – day 331.86 43.14 375.00
Hall and Outdoor Space Rental – Private Sector – day 685.84 89.16 775.00
Hall, Outdoor Space & Parking Lot Rental – Community Makers -
442.48 57.52 500.00
Hall, Outdoor Space & Parking Lot Rental – Private Sector - day 796.46 103.54 900.00
Indoor Stage Rental (with minimum 3 hour rental) 88.50 11.50 100.00
Fencing around outdoor space 353.98 46.02 400.00
Rentals outside of regular operating hours and on statutory
holidays additional fee per hour**
132.74 17.26 150.00

*Community Makers are Niagara Regional Not-For-Profit organizations or Niagara Regional based artists putting on an
event that is artistic in nature (Performance Art, Workshop, Presentation, etc.). This does not include trade shows or retail
events unless artistic in nature.
**these are hours before 8:00 am and after 9:00 pm any day of the week.
A daily rental of the Market Hall on Saturday will start at 2:00 pm.
50% discount for last minute (within 2 weeks) bookings – provided during normal hours of operations at both Museum and