
August 9, 2022 Update

16 August 2022

At a Public Meeting on July 12, 2022, Hemson Consulting presented the proposed Community Benefit Charges (CBC) Strategy to Council. Council received the presentation, CBC strategy, associated staff report, public consultation comments, and draft by-law for information. Based on Council direction, Staff has done additional research on comparable municipalities and consulted the local developers for additional feedback to inform their decision regarding implementing a CBC for the City of Niagara Falls. In this regard, Staff compared what other municipalities are offering developers in terms of credits or exemptions, and also met with residential developers to get their feedback on July 27, 2022.

Council approved the CBC Strategy and the creation of a dedicated Reserve Fund. The final CBC By-Law be referred to a special council meeting in August for approval.

View the report here.

By-Law 2022-119 came into force on September 12, 2022. For more information and to view the final approved CBC By-Law, please click here.