The City of Niagara Falls (City) has initiated a project to replace the watermain along Brown Road from Garner Road (south branch) to Montrose Road.

The existing watermain will be replaced. The new watermain will be connected to existing mains on Sweet Chestnut Drive, Juneberry Drive, Sweet Birch Road, Butternut Boulevard, Hoptree Road, Tulip Tree Drive, Kalar Road, Heartland Forest Road, Shadbush Lane, Hackberry Trail, and Montrose Road.

A small segment of the watermain within the project area was previously replaced in 2020. The segment, beginning at Garner Road (north branch) and continuing approximately 235m east, will not be included in this replacement project.

Water services and shut-off valves at 8780 Brown Road and 8950 Brown Road will be replaced, and new water services will be reconnected to the City portion at the property line.

New water services will be reconnected to the City portion at the property line. Water shut-off valves will also be replaced.

The watermain and water service excavations will be restored to the limits of the trenches. The City will look to resurface Brown Road at a later date (subject to budget approval and road condition).

Damage to boulevards will be repaired in full. Driveway aprons will be fixed with a clean cut across the driveway width. Gravel will be restored with gravel, asphalt with asphalt, concrete with concrete, etc.

Decorative or landscaping items (e.g., shrubs, hedges, fences, gardens, boulders, etc.) that encroach on City property should be removed or relocated before construction. Larger plantings removed or damaged during construction, such as shrubs, hedges, trees, etc., will not be replaced; however, all efforts will be made to salvage smaller shrubs and vegetation for replanting where possible.

Please note that the City's construction schedule is tentative and subject to change based on coordination with Regional projects, availability of the City's Contractor, scheduling of private utility relocations, and receipt of the necessary easements, permits and approvals. The City aims to start construction in Fall 2023, with substantial completion targeted by year-end.


Design drawings for this project can be viewed here. Members of the public can request the document in an accessible format if necessary.

Please note that information will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, please note all comments will become part of the public record.


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